domingo, 7 de setembro de 2008

Fannie Mae e Freddie Mac

Quer dizer que sobrou pra todos os contribuintes americanos. Emitem US$ 1bi em ações, governo ajuda com US$200bi. Nada mal, é bom ter um patrono milionário para garantir as besteiras que fazemos, não é..

US$100bi pra cada, um total de US$200 bi. Será que vai resolver...

Enquanto isto, europa dando sinais de queda ou depressão,

desse jeito ainda vai sobrar pra nós por aqui.

"WASHINGTON — The Treasury Department on Sunday seized control of the quasi-public mortgage finance giants, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and announced a four-part rescue plan that included an open-ended guarantee to provide as much capital as they need to stave off insolvency."

"The companies are likely to need tens of billions of dollars over the next year, but the ultimate cost to taxpayers will largely depend on how fast the housing and mortgage markets recover.

Fannie and Freddie have each agreed to issue $1 billion of senior preferred stock to the United States; it will pay an annual interest rate of at least 10 percent. In return, the government is committing up to $100 billion to each company to cover future losses. The government also receives warrants that would allow it to buy up to 80 percent of each company’s common stock at a nominal price, or less than $1 a share."

Quer dizer que sobrou pro contribuinte americano. Tesouro americano se comprometeu a garantir a solvência, com tanto dinheiro quanto seja necessário. George Bush com muita bala na agulha...

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